Friday, March 27, 2009

Bugs, Bugs!

And not the insect kind, they're easy to get rid of, these are the website kind. Each website update usually brings out several bugs, so I'm in the process of fixing them now. If you want a plant and keep getting the main Paypal page, just email me and I'll invoice you.

Kelly McCartney

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Website Update

Yes, it's true! I have finally gotten the PendulousPlants.Com website updated with a few new plants and lots of new links. Be sure to check out the Unusual Stuff page to see the new Exotic Maple Collection. If you are a Japanese Maple connoisseur, then these plants are for you! Newly selected, with Japanese origins, there are not too many of these babies around. Get yours before they are sold out.

Also a change this year, we've had to switch to UPS for our shipping. You probably won't see any difference, but it's kind of a big deal for us. DHL shifted to overseas-only and closed down their entire domestic shipping operation in December. We really liked DHL a lot and only had 2 shipping problems over the past 6 years...I hope UPS can live up to that standard! We'll see.

That's it for now! Get out and start working those planting beds!
Kelly McCartney